Spectrum Level: CONSULTATION


Student-perception data like the My School My Voice 5 Essentials Survey are an important tool for schools to throughout continuous improvement. Start with the 5 E's data, then develop your own surveys to dig deeper in spaces that you might want to prioritize.

Considerations for Adult Leaders

In “consultation”, we intentionally gather and review data from student voices. This data might include surveys designed to solicit feedback about the school of classroom instruction,

If implementing a survey, all students should be surveyed - and in order to ensure reliability and that students are earnest in their answers, clearly communicate how the survey will be used, and share the results with the school.

If conducting focus groups, make sure the students included are representative of your student population, and the diversity of their lived experiences in your building and outside.

Tensions / Potential Challenges

Information received during consultation may not be immediately actionable, or may require additional steps to achieve the desired outcome.

Clear communication around actions and decisions stemming from “consultation” is important to cultivating trust.

Strategy, Tool, or Resource

The 5 Essential’s Survey is student-perception data and a good place to start.

The department of Social Science and Civic Engagement develops an individualized report for every board-managed CPS school on the Student Voice and Civic Life items on the 5E’s. You can see a sample report here, and it includes discussion and reflection questions for your team to use in CIWP planning.

To get your report, contact icinar1@cps.edu from the Department of Social Science and Civic Engagement, or your Network Chief.

Resources to support: