Service Learning
Service Learning has been an integral part of Chicago Public Schools since 1998 as a vital means of elevating youth leadership and promoting learning that connects classroom and community.

Service Learning
Service learning has shifted from focusing primarily on individual responsibility, through volunteer hours, to a more participatory and justice-oriented participation, embedded in classroom service learning projects. Every CPS graduate will have completed two community-centered action projects as part of their high school experience.
Service Learning:
- Connects classroom curriculum with authentic community issues, assets, and research.
- Engages students in projects that serve the community while building social, civic, and academic skills.
- Begins with inquiry and engages student identity, leadership, and reflection.
- Positions students to take informed action on issues that contribute to their community and to democratic life.
Service Learning Graduation Requirement Policy
All high schools must provide an opportunity for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students to complete two service learning projects as a requirement for graduation. Service learning projects shall be linked to current academic goals and classroom curriculum and should build social, civic, and academic skills. Service learning projects must be completed in the following way:
(1) Successful completion in Civics or A.P. U.S. Government course
(2) Successful completion of a service learning project in conjunction with any other course offering, preferably during 9th or 10th grade.
Read more about the Graduation Requirement Policy here.

Inquiry to Action Framework
Our Inquiry to Action framework is designed to support the development & implementation of classroom service learning projects that bolster civic oriented project-based learning in all disciplines, K-12.
A helpful tool you can use when conducting Service Learning Projects is our Inquiry to Action Framework.